Weekend Mass Time: Sat 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM

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Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council

The members of this body assist the Pastor and the parish staff in fostering the spiritual growth and social development of this community of the faithful. The Council consists of the Pastor and 9 to 12 members (including Chairman, Vice Chair, and Scribe).

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is convened at the request of the Council Chairperson. Members of the committee are the Pastor, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Scribe. The Executive Committee carries out internal activities of the Council such as developing the agenda for council meetings and conducting such business as assigned by the Council. Between regular Council meetings, the Executive Committee acts in the name of the Council and may respond to time-sensitive issues in support of the Pastor.

Parish Council Members:

Fr. Gregory, Pat Moynihan, Tim Brown, Saray Flynn, Walter Priest, Karl Lttner, Joann Holaday, Dennis Tate, Diane Coppola, Julie Trist, Karen Melendez