Our Mission
Social responsibility becomes an aspect not of Christian mission only, but also of Christian conversion. It is impossible to be truly converted to God without being thereby converted to our neighbor.
Ladies prayer group Fiat-90 beginning January 20. Join us for prayer, community, and God’s graces. We will meet once a week until Easter Sunday.
Contact Kerry Fallon at kfallon@sttheresglo.org or Karen Melendez karenmelendez34@gmail.com for more info.
Fiat-90 weekly meeting days and times to be determined.
If you are gluten-free and would like to receive gluten-free Body of Christ at Mass, please do the following:
1- Tell the Mass Coordinator when you arrive for Mass that you request gluten-free.
2- Go up for Communion in the middle line and tell the Eucharistic Minister when you get to the front that you need gluten-free Communion.
Youth Formation:
Youth grades 6-12 meet every Sunday at 12 to 1:30 at the YLC! Bring a friend!
Confirmation Preparation – Church of St. Therese, Gloucester
Any 10th grade or older student, and parents or guardians are invited to an organizational meeting for preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. The meeting will be held Thursday, October 24 at 6:00 pm at Church of St. Therese in Gloucester. Information will include requirements to be confirmed and an overview of the program used.
For any questions or more information contact:
Linda Gregory, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Church of St. Therese, Gloucester. 804-639-5939
Pianist Needed:
The Music Ministry is seeking a skilled pianist to play at Masses/liturgical services and church music programs. If you have a passion for sacred music, and feel moved to be part of a dynamic ministry, contact Beverly Sabourin 757-817-3698/musicministry@stthersglo.org

Our Groups
Join a Community
Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table.
One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal.
If you are interested in joining a community group please email us directly.