Weekend Mass Time: Sat 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM

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Children’s Formation

We offer programming for preschool through 5th Grade September through May. Elementary children meet Sundays 9:15 – 10:15 am. Additionally children 3 to 6 years old attend Breaking Open the Word for Children’s Liturgy during most 10:30 am Masses. Contact Nadine McGrady for a registration form. Catechists and helpers are always needed with teaching, assistants and substitutes.


Christ in Us by Sadlier

Sadlier Christ In Us is a catechetical program that combines solid catechetical vision with innovation and support for busy parishes, schools, and families. It is a blended learning catechetical program designed to simultaneously support and inspire all participants, linking religious education formation to the parish community. Throughout the program, participants accompany one another along a faith journey and live out their lives as missionary disciples in the world.

Christ In Us — is designed to accommodate instruction in any parish or school setting—in the classroom, hybrid, or fully remote. This program includes:

  • Christ In Us Companion online training program accompanies members of the catechetical community as they learn to effectively use the online portal.
  • Video Lessons feature trained catechists who summarize and highlight the most important teachings of each lesson.
  • Digital tools and resources augment learning and support and simplicity planning and instruction.
  • Meaningful assessments and assignments enrich learning and measure participation and growth in knowledge.
  • Features to adapt the lesson for inclusion offer point-of-use options to make each experience equitable for all children.
  • Social justice themes with connection to Catholic social teaching guide students in living justly and treating all people with respect.


K-6 Conformity: The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found Christ In Us to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Additionally we use the following to enhance our program: 

Pinterest – a pictorial bookmarking of information, crafts, puzzles, games and more for use in the classroom and home by catechists, students and parents.  Go to www.Pinterest.com and search St. Therese RE 

St. Therese Children’s Formation Facebook Page – to find resources, crafts, publishers, Catholic websites and more.

St. Mary’s Kids Liturgy – Go to https://mlearn.smp.org  and copy/paste the following login information:
Username: kidsliturgy@smp.org
Password: KidsLiturgy123!

* This is a universal login. Please DO NOT change the password!


If you would like to volunteer to help please contact Nadine McGrady for information on training and Virtus screening.