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Theresian Minutes July 2019

The Theresian Society

Minutes for Sunday July 21, 2019

President: Glenda Espiritu called the meeting to order at 9:20 am, and after welcoming 22 attendees she led the group with the St. Monica prayer.

Minutes: It was determined that everyone had received and reviewed June 2019 minutes. Motion made and seconded to accept as written. Motion passed.

Financial Secretary & Treasurer’s Reports: Ginny reviewed her updated Treasury report as follows: June’s beginning balance was $2032.79. After income of $ 807.00 (including dues, Father’s Day breakfast receipts, yard sale receipts, and donation for Fr. Jim’s gift) and expenses of $1157.17 (including Fr. Jim appreciation gift, Father’s Day breakfast expenses, and donation for Masses), the ending balance for Jun was $1682.62 and remains the same as of today’s date. May flea market sales included $ 500.00 for the sales spots and $355.00 of sales from the Theresian table.

Prayer Line: Deborah Rooks took information regarding additions and deletions for the prayer line.

Correspondence: Phyllis sent out 11 birthday cards and 2 get-well cards for June. She read two thank you notes; one from Phyllis Dugin and the other from Lourdes Parker.

Funeral Reception: Marianne reported 1 funeral with reception that was provided July 15th with 95 attendees and 57 for the reception. The family was very appreciative and found the whole experience very healing. Please keep them in your prayers.

Telephone correspondence: Trish announced that she needs to have new Theresians who do not have an email to please let her know if they wish information to be telephoned to them.


Priest receptions: The receptions for Father Jim’s Farewell and Father Gregory’s Welcome had excellent turn outs, and Glenda thanked everyone who provided help for both occasions.

Father’s Day Breakfast: There was a good turnout for this occasion. The purpose of this event is to celebrate the fathers of our Parish. There was an abundance of pancakes left over from the event and they have been placed in freezer to be served as the appetizer for the September meeting.


Christmas Bazaar: Will be held this year on Saturday, October 19th. Terry Wilson has volunteered as the advertising person. The Thursday and Friday before the event will be set up days. We will need some extra strong backs to move tables on these days. The event ends at 2 PM and clean up begins then. With all hands on deck, clean up usually ends about 3:30.


Ana has requested that if anyone has an excess of cards for mailing to friends and family, to please pass them onto her for the Sander’s Home residents. You can place them in an envelope and label her name and place “arts and environment” box.

Glenda announced new membership and welcome to Pat Kurovid and Nellie Barry.

Beverly Itnor is in charge of Prison Ministry and is asking for donations of large-print Bibles and Prayer booklets. If you are able to donate, please place on the white cabinet in the social hall.

The Knights are looking for xtra help with the yard work performed on Thursdays. Persons do not have to be a member of the Knights to join in the fun.

Please keep Mary McCarthy in prayer. Glenda updated everyone on her condition.

Bingo will restart on Sept. 9th.

Theresian dues are $5.00 per year and is used for postage and Advent luncheon. This year our Advent luncheon will be on Dec. 6th. The rosary will be recited at 8:30 on Friday before meetings held on Fridays.

The next Theresian meeting will be Sunday August 18 2019. There being no further business, Glenda adjourned the meeting at 10:00 AM after the Healing prayer was recited.

Respectfully submitted,
Cathie Sobieski, Secretary

Picture of kamille@websitehealthplan.com