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Theresian minutes August 2019

The Theresian Society

Minutes for Sunday Aug.18, 2019

President: Glenda Espiritu called the meeting to order at 9:25 am, and after welcoming 22 attendees she led the group in prayer.

Minutes: It was determined that everyone had received and reviewed July 2019 minutes. Motion made and seconded to accept as written. Motion passed.

Financial Secretary & Treasurer’s Reports: Glenda reviewed Ginny’s notes regarding the current Treasury report as follows: The balance at the end of August was $1722.62. Income received totaled $270.00 for vendors for the Bazaar, thus bringing the total current balance to $1992.62.

Prayer Line: Deborah Rooks acquired information regarding additions and deletions for the prayer line.

Correspondence: It was reported that Phyllis sent out 5 birthday cards for August.

Funeral Reception: No funerals to report since last meeting.

Historian: Jeri Trudeau stated that she is keeping a digital account of information and asked that if anyone has any pictures they wish to share, to place them in the Theresian box for her. She will copy and return them to you. She will share the information at one of the future meetings.

Telephone correspondence: Trish has been keeping Theresians without email updated via phone.


Crafting for Christmas Bazaar: Tuesday Sept 3rd – time will be used to price out items prepared for the event. And on Tuesday Sept 17th we will clean and update the signage for the Bazaar. There has been a lot of inventory prepared for this event both at the crafters meetings and at Theresian homes, and it was decided that the Theresians may end up using 3 rooms to sell items prepared for the Bazaar. (We use classrooms least desired by the crafters).

Christmas Bazaar update: The event will be October 19th. Charlene states they are still selling tables (16 sold to date). Set up for the event will be the Thursday (17th) and Friday (18th) from 9am to 12 noon, and the Bazaar hours are from 9am until 2pm. When the event ends at 2pm, clean up begins and with all hands on deck, clean up usually ends about 3:30. Members who do not have email will be called regarding an opportunity to assist for set up days and during the actual day of the event.


Parish Picnic: Linda Gregory announced that the picnic this year will be held Sunday, Sept. 29th, to start after the 10:30 Mass (approximately 11:30 to noon) and end at 3pm. One of the ways to streamline preparation is to have labeled aluminum pans available for parishioners to pick up and assist in filling the food orders. The event is open to our parishioners as well as friends and neighbors as we use this opportunity for not only a good time but evangelization.
Retirement: Debbie Knarr has served our parish well over the past many years and in doing so has been very gracious in assisting the Theresians when called upon. To acknowledge this, it was motioned, seconded and approved that a specified monetary gift be given as she and husband head out to retirement land in their RV. She will be retiring on Sept 1st and her replacement is Dedee Rice.

Bingo: Donna Raschke announced that Bingo will resume Sept 9th and that invitations are on their way out to all the regulars that attended and had provided their names and addresses to be notified when resumed. It was announced that approximately $160,000 has been raised since its inception here at St. Therese. Just to name a few of the items offhand, the money has been used to help fund the Youth group for their help in summer work-camps; sound system for the Church; kitchen updates; help in funding roof repairs; fencing; rectory upgrades; and donated monies for Parish retreats.

Altar flowers: for September Masses on Sept 7th and 8th (in honor of our Blessed Mother) the altar flowers will be prepared by Ana and we have agreed and voted on in past to provide this service through Ana.

Birthday: Father Gregory’s Birthday s September 20th and it was motioned and approved to provide him with a $60.00 check for same.


Thank you to our hostesses today, Beverly and Ana. Sept 6th hostess will be Alicia. We will be serving the left over pancakes from the Father’s Day breakfast (in freezer). Help is requested of anyone who can come earlier to help prepare.

Mary Beth announced that the next blood drive at St. Therese will be Oct. 4th.

Glenda announced that there will be a need to set up a committee at September meeting for nominees for election of officers for next year. She specified that this will be her last year as President and asked for people to prayerfully consider stepping forward to fill this position. She reviewed some of the duties she performs and a full outline for all positions can be found in the by-laws.

The Knights will be hosting an Ice Cream Social for all parishioners in the Social Hall next Sunday, August 25th at 1-3 PM. There will be ice cream sundaes, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle. Come join the fun!

The next Theresian meeting will be Friday September 6, 2019. There being no further business, Glenda adjourned the meeting at 10:00 AM after prayer was recited.

Respectfully submitted,
Cathie Sobieski, Secretary

Picture of kamille@websitehealthplan.com