Weekend Mass Time: Sat 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM

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Scam Alert!

Scammers and hackers remain busy amidst the current situation! This week, the newest rash of attempts include pleas from a “General” of the U.S. Military asking for gold bars or money, another round of fake minister accounts (although not ours) asking for gift cards to be sent to the fake email, and one that included a logo for the department of health with a link that if clicked, downloaded malware. Please stay vigilant and do not reply to such emails, click on links within those emails, or download content in them. If you receive help requests, verify that the person is legitimate by calling them directly on another known valid number. Don’t ask the emailer for information or a call because most likely it is a fake email account. Find an offline method of correspondence that you and that person have used in the past to talk with each other. We pray for your continued health and safety during this time!

Picture of kamille@websitehealthplan.com