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Parish Council Minutes June 2019

Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Linda Gregory

Opening prayer: Phil Olekszyk

– Council Members: Linda Gregory, Ron Haggerty, Cathy Buquor, Sylvia Clifton, Phil Olekszyk, Joan Lechene, and Dan Werner
– Ex Officio Members: Fr Jim, Cheryl Davis

Formation: Linda presented a handout on Christian Formation in the Parish.

Approval of Minutes from May 1, 2019 meeting: Phil motioned for the minutes to be approved and Cathy seconded the motion. The minutes were passed with unanimous consent.

Presentation by Donna Raschke of the Charitable Gaming ministry:

The Charitable Gaming Ministry made a courtesy presentation to the Parish Council with the goal of eliciting stronger support and commitment than in the past. There were five ministry representatives, including Donna, at the presentation. The ministry members did exhaustive research on their operational and financial history in anticipation of the presentation, producing an eight page handout with tables and graphs to support their goals. Copies of the presentation were provided to all Parish Council members.

The key points of their presentation are as follows:

1. Revenue from BINGO has always gone back to the church, supporting the purchase of major equipment needs (sound system, etc.) and operational expenses.

2. Revenue has decreased the past three years after experiencing a rise in revenue the previous five years. The decrease in revenue is attributed to fewer attendees, thus smaller payouts, and subsequently fewer attendees again as the expectation of winning large amounts decreases.

3. Manpower to help the game nights has been decreasing. Fewer volunteers means there are less people to work the game nights, and several members find themselves working every game night to stay open. The ministry calculates that 20 more volunteers are needed to allow teams of supporters to be formed. The teams would rotate each week so that no one team has to work game nights repetitively. After a recent Mass, 6 parishioners stated they were interested in volunteering on game nights.

4. The ministry is lacking sufficient funds to cover operating costs and incidental expenses. They would like a fundraising activity to be initiated with the money to go to their ministry for support. The ministry considers a $5,000 increase in budget from the Parish Council sufficient to correct immediate shortfalls.

5. The ministry would like the Parish Council to actively declare support for them, to help generate more attendance and subsequently more income so the ministry can survive. Fr Jim asked the members of the Parish Council to declare their individual support for the ministry. In a poll of Council members it was seen that the Council unanimously supports the ministry.

6. The Parish Council Chair offered to schedule a session for more dialog on the relationship with the Charitable Gaming ministry. Both parties agreed to come back together on June 26th.


– Parish Council Elections – As the Council does not have full membership (8 of 9 positions filled), nominations to the three electable positions (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary) were postponed to a July meeting. This action was taken by a motion presented by Tim Brown, seconded by Phil Olekszyk. A factor affecting the decision is the transition of parish pastors from Fr. Jim Cowles to Fr. Gregory Kandt July 1 and the possibility that the 9th member may be appointed by the pastor.

– Ministry and Council Budgets – Budget has been completed and approved.

– Increased Offertory Program (Our Sunday Visitor) – No new data to report.

– Parish Directory online – Nothing new to report.

– Ministry Fair – This issue is tabled until the Fall.

– Columbarium update/ Cemetery Survey – Cheryl, Linda, and Phil met with Deacon Handel. The Deacon stated we must communicate with our neighbors about the plan, asking for letters of concurrence from them. Phil is preparing the letter. We need to be prepared to meet and discuss the plan with the County Board of Supervisors. The Columbarium is to be situated on the plot of land behind the current parking lot, behind and to the left of the statue and the Food Pantry building. We should see some construction progress in about a year.

– Parish Mission – Nothing new to report.

– Annual Port BBQ – Cheryl – the event went well.

– Volunteer Drivers – Phil – No response to the bulletin announcements, which ran three weeks in a row. Phil may discontinue the effort.

– Open Pastoral Council Meeting – Linda – There should be more open meetings, so that our activities and responsibilities are visible to the parish at large.

– Other old business – None


– Ministry and Council Budgets – Nothing new to report

– Neighborhoods – A fifth group is forming, but their schedule is not firm at this time.

– RCIA – Linda – RCIA has ended for the year. A new group begins at the end of August, start of September. The study topic will be the Book of Revelation.

– Finance – Linda – $1500 went to Debra Knarr from the sale of t-shirts and sweat shirts. $744 was provided to the vendor. $400.00 was set aside for a second order.

– Charitable gaming – The ministry made a presentation at the beginning of the meeting. Notes on that meeting are located at the beginning of these minutes.

– Maintenance – Nothing new to report.

– Liturgy – Nothing new to report.

– Social Justice – Nothing new to report.

– Parish Community life – Kathy – we still need a new chair for this ministry.


Pastoral Council activities during the summer break – A meeting is needed in July to formalize the new slate of officers. That meeting will be July 25, 2019. A retreat needs to be planned for August 2019. Ron Haggerty volunteered his home for the day-long retreat.

Volunteers for opening and closing prayer: Opening prayer – Linda, and closing prayer – Linda

Next meeting: July 25, 2019, 7 pm

Closing prayer – Linda.

Adjournment – Linda Gregory adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm

Picture of kamille@websitehealthplan.com