Weekend Mass Time: Sat 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM

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Prayer Walk

Prayer Walk for the Elections Come join us for a Prayer Walk for the Elections, Thursday, September 17th from 10:00 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. (or at your convenience that day) at the precinct where you vote. This is a non-partisan effort to pray for the election so that God’s purpose...

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Octave of Service

The Church of St. Therese is participating in the diocese-wide Octave of Service from September 27th to October 4th. This is an eight-day opportunity to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Diocese of Richmond with various forms of prayer, service and outreach to the greater community. Please prayerfully consider how...

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A Message from Father Gregory regarding the pandemic

From Father Gregory: All non-essential meetings at the church are cancelled. Our church is open during Monday-Thursday 9-2 for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament which is in the tabernacle on our main altar. Face coverings are required for private prayer. The daily Mass chapel, however, is closed until further...

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