Weekend Mass Time: Sat 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM

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A Message from Father Gregory regarding the pandemic

From Father Gregory:

All non-essential meetings at the church are cancelled.

Our church is open during Monday-Thursday 9-2 for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament which is in the tabernacle on our main altar. Face coverings are required for private prayer. The daily Mass chapel, however, is closed until further notice. Please understand that these restrictions come from the bishop via governor’s orders.

Let us pray for healing for those who have contracted the coronavirus, for protection for caregivers, and for an end to this pandemic. As God’s sons and daughters, we draw close to the Lord and remember Jesus’ constant refrain in the Gospels, “Do not be afraid.”  Fear is the Devil’s greatest tool; but as our holy patroness Saint Therese teaches us, we who believe trust in God’s goodness.

Peace in Jesus our Savior,


Picture of kamille@websitehealthplan.com